torsional stress การใช้
- By turning the magnets, torsional stress can be applied to the DNA molecule.
- In the high force regime, the extension is nearly independent of the applied torsional stress.
- Any elastic rod, not just DNA, relieves torsional stress by coiling, an action which simultaneously untwists and bends the rod.
- It is a fibrocartilage band on the lateral side of the knee joint and can easily be injured with torsional stress or direct force.
- As there is no twisting during TMT, no torsional stress occurs, and so torsional stress cannot form surface defects in TMT bars.
- As there is no twisting during TMT, no torsional stress occurs, and so torsional stress cannot form surface defects in TMT bars.
- Exploration missions on planetary surfaces may also introduce habitability issues that could induce excessive torsional stress, an established risk factor for herniation of anulus fibrosus.
- Where any other form of stress is raised, such as tensile or torsional stress, it has to be resisted by carefully placed reinforcement rods or fibres.
- It is usually caused by torsional stress; twisting or turning of the knee too quickly with the foot planted on the ground while the knee is flexed.
- This nuclear enzyme is involved in processes such as chromosome condensation, chromatid separation, and the relief of torsional stress that occurs during DNA transcription and replication.
- This second joint ensures that the entire pier will move independently from the land mass in the event of an earthquake, significantly reducing the potential torsional stress.
- It is possible to create a circularly birefringent optical fiber just using an ordinary ( circularly symmetric ) single-mode fiber and twisting it, thus creating internal torsional stress.
- Frugivorous bats possess a feeding strategy that requires a strong dentary due to their extended periods of chewing and frequent unilateral biting during feeding, which imposes increased torsional stresses on the dentary.
- His torsional stress model of chromatin involvement in gene regulation was reviewed in a " Nature News and Views " article ( " Nature " 316, pp . 394 395, August 1985 ).
- The front axle has an H section with rectangular ends for torsional stress . " Duo-Servo " 4-wheel brakes are Bendix design operating, after two primary rods, by enclosed cables on drums.
- The forward-swept design increases performance but also increases torsional stress on the wings; since variable wing aircraft would naturally be structurally weaker than fixed-wing aircraft, such a design would be an engineering nightmare .-- Ludwigs 2 02 : 00, 5 September 2010 ( UTC)
- In 2005 Therrien and colleagues estimated the relative bite force of theropods ( estimates in absolute values like newtons were impossible ) and found that " Giganotosaurus " and related taxa had adaptations for capturing and bringing down prey by delivering powerful bites, whereas tyrannosaurs had adaptations for resisting torsional stress and crushing bones.
- Engineers calculated that torsional stresses would be too high if they took power from the end of the long crankshaft, so they put a central gear train in the middle ( which also ran the dual camshafts, dual magnetos, and other accessories ) and ran a drive shaft to the clutch housing at the rear.